Sunday, August 25, 2013

Help You Didn't Know About

This business puts me in contact with all sorts of interesting people. Both those in the "Harvest" (in need) and the "Workers" (volunteers and donors.) I also get to work with a lot of great charities and non profits. Today's post is going to highlight some of the ones out there that don't get a lot of exposure:

Laundry love gathers teams in different areas around California to collect quarters and help with the laundry of the less fortunate.

Clothes the Deal collect donations of business clothes - to give to the poor so that they may go on job interviews.

Battered Woman's Shelter of Long Beach offers shelter and collects donations for women and their children who have been involved in domestic violence situations.

I love all of these organizations because they strive to give a hand UP to our community. From something as simple as doing laundry, to getting job skills, these lives are changed forever because of the work these organizations do. I am very excited to be working with a few of these organizations in the very near future (stay tuned!!)

Are there any organizations you love? Tell me about them in the comments below!

Keep up to date with what other organizations are doing around Los Angeles by following us on Facebook and Twitter!

So much work to do, 

Could you or anyone you know benefit from the organizations services that I've mentioned? Please apply today!

Someone Helped Me Once

A very long time ago - ok, not THAT long ago, someone helped me, and I am better for it today.

In my early twenties, I was newly out of college and found myself, although with a degree and some work experience, unable to find a job or maintain a steady income, and neck-deep in school loan debt. This did not seem like the American Dream I'd been promised.

I came from a family that, although supported my every aspiration, did not have the means to pay for my college education, let a lone an apartment or a car. One of the very reasons I was having a hard time finding a steady job was because I did not have a reliable vehicle. Sure I had friends who would drive me places when they could, and I could take the bus, but the the implications with telling a potential employer that I did not own a vehicle in this drive-centered city were not good. I had almost nothing in savings, and my credit had an extremely short history, so I couldn't qualify for a loan. Then someone helped me.

One of my friend's father's - Robert, owns a used car dealership near my home town. I had never met this man before, and only knew his daughter through a few encounters at church. He had heard about my rut, and offered to sell me a car, based on a good-faith pay off system.  I put $100 down on a used car, and paid $200 a months for a few years before I finally paid it off. Within the first month of having the vehicle, I went on 15 interviews (as opposed to the previous 7 a month I was averaging without a vehicle) and I landed a great job that very first month!

It may seem like a small thing to do, but because of Robert taking a risk on giving me a car for which I had no credit line, I was able to land an amazing job in a small amount of time. His small way of helping me bettered my life exponentially, and as a bonus, I know recommend him to others.

See, the connection is the real "win" here. So many people I have sent to him have had a great experience; lives changed and bettered because one person did a good thing. Robert once told me that he did this good deed for me because he believes that without people helping each other, we are all truly lost.

Can you think of a time when someone helped you, and you are better for it today? Or have you helped someone? I'd love to read your stories in the comments below.

Help us out and give us a follow on Facebook and Twitter!

So much work to do, 

Become apart of making someone's story better, apply today to volunteer!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Jack-Hammers and Day-Cares

Meet the Duggan Family: Nila and Austine who are parents to 2 yr. old energetic little man Ethan, and 6 month old Owen. 

In December of 2012, Nila was 7 months pregnant with Owen and diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. When the situation became too severe, Nila’s physician ordered a C-section and steroids for the baby’s lungs. Owen was born at 2 pounds 2 ounces, and screaming! Despite being stable, he and mother spent quite a bit of time in the Hospital. Own was in the NICU for 2 months before he came home.
Today, Own is a happy healthy perfect size baby. The medical bills from his birth, however, are looming. Emergency rooms, recovery rooms, and NICUs are very expensive. Although Austine works fulltime and Nila sells “Sentsy,” the bills aren’t going down.  In order to pay down medical bills, Nila has decided to use her home to open a day-care! This has been a dream of theirs for years, but the condition of their half acre backyard has been the show-stopper for the past 4yrs. The backyard of their home,  is over grown with weeds, crumbled brick, and uneven concrete where a tennis court existed in the 50’s [a few Images of the backyard]

Here’s where we come in! The Duggans could pay a crew to come in and turn over their backyard, but that money would be better going toward medical bills of course. So Plentiful few is stepping in to spend a few Saturdays breaking down the backyard, seeking donations from Home Depot, and creating a beautiful backyard with the following amenities: A reliable fence around the property line, play area complete with play structure for kids, a vegetable garden and chicken coup to reduce grocery costs and increase healthy lifestyles while providing education to the Duggan children and potential daycare children.
This last Saturday a team of 25 Workers arrived at the Duggans at 8am, numerous tools in tow, to begin work. [Visit our Facebook page for more photos and updates about this project.] We made a good dent in the demolition; I even got to use a Jack Hammer for the first time! There is still so much to be done.

If you would like to help the Duggans in any way, here are some ways you can get involved: Donate to the project! See our list of needs if you would like to donate any items or funds. You can also Volunteer at the Duggan home on any of the Saturdays listed on the Events page. And, lastly, please spread the word about our cause and this family on your Facebook and Twitter pages.

So much work to do, 

Do you know of a family or individual in need of work or help? Submit a Request for Harvest today!